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"공포, 탐욕, 그리고 통제의 환상: 군주의 각성"(러시아우크라이나 이스라엘이란 전쟁, 내려놓기=자유,평화) , "Fantasy of fear, greed, and control: the awakening of the monarch" (Russia, Ukraine and Israel War, Put it down = freedom, peace)




그림자의 왕국


광대하고 고대 왕국에 마그누스 왕이라는 통치자가 살고 있었습니다. 

그의 제국은 산, 강, 계곡으로 뻗어 있었고, 그의 성은 세계 각지에서 가져온 금과 보석으로 장식되었습니다. 

그러나 그의 부와 권력에도 불구하고, 매그너스는 극심한 두려움에 시달렸습니다.

매일 밤 그는 자신의 왕좌가 무너지는 꿈을 꾸었고, 그림자 같은 인물들이 일어나 그를 전복시키려는 꿈을 꾸었고, 

그의 이름이 역사의 연대기에서 사라지는 꿈을 꾸었습니다. 

그의 두려움을 잠재우기 위해 매그너스는 철권으로 통치했습니다. 

그는 반대자들을 무너뜨렸고, 더 높은 성벽을 쌓았으며, 더 많은 부를 축적했습니다. 

그의 조언자들은 그의 힘을 칭찬했지만 그의 백성들은 그의 잔인함에 대해 속삭였습니다.

어느 날, 한 늙은 승려가 성문 앞에 도착했습니다. 

그의 옷은 너덜너덜했고 얼굴은 늙어 보였으나 그의 눈은 고요한 빛으로 빛났습니다. 

그의 모습에 경비병들이 웃었지만 스님은 단지 미소를 지으며 왕에게 말을 걸어달라고 청했다.

수도사의 대담함에 흥미를 느낀 마그누스는 그를 알현실로 불러냈습니다.

"무슨 일로 여기로 오셨나요, 노인님?" 왕이 요구했다. "당신은 나에게 자비를 구하러 왔나요, 

아니면 충성을 바치러 왔나요?"

“둘 다 아닙니다.” 스님이 대답했습니다. "나는 당신에게 자유를 주러 왔습니다."

매그너스는 쓴웃음을 지었다. "자유? 주위를 둘러보세요! 나는 세상에서 가장 강력한 사람입니다. 

나는 군대를 지휘하고 법을 제정하며 수백만 명의 생명을 손에 쥐고 있습니다. 나에게 무슨 자유가 더 필요하겠습니까?"

스님은 두려워하지 않고 가까이 다가갔습니다. "폐하, 당신은 두려움의 포로입니다. 

당신은 다른 사람을 막으려고 벽을 쌓은 것이 아니라 자신을 그 안에 가두기 위해 쌓았습니다. 

당신은 부와 권력이 당신을 보호할 것이라고 믿기 때문에 축적하지만 그것은 당신의 비참함을 더 깊게 할 뿐입니다. 

진정한 자유 구매하거나 시행할 수 없으며 내부에서 나와야 합니다."

매그너스의 웃음이 잦아들었다. 

"그렇다면 당신은 나에게 무엇을 하라고 하십니까? 내 왕좌를 버리라고요? 내 왕관을 내놓으라고요? 

내 백성이 반란을 일으키고 내 적들이 늑대처럼 내려올 것입니다!"

수도사가 말했습니다. "아마도 아닐 수도 있습니다. 당신이 잃기를 두려워하는 힘은 환상입니다. 

놓는다는 것은 포기를 의미하는 것이 아니라 두려움보다 더 큰 것에서 힘을 찾는 것을 의미합니다. 

지배하기보다는 섬기는 지도자가 통치합니다. 지속되는 왕국."

매그너스는 정신이 번쩍 들며 수도사를 쳐다보았다. 

그는 노인을 바보라고 치부하고 싶었지만, 스님이 진실을 말하고 있다는 그의 내면의 작은 목소리가 속삭였습니다.

"가르쳐 주세요." 마침내 왕이 말했다. "놓치는 법을 가르쳐주세요."

그래서 수도사는 성에 머물면서 마그누스에게 명상과 내면의 평화의 길을 안내했습니다. 

천천히, 왕은 두려움이 무엇인지, 즉 자신의 마음이 드리운 그림자를 보기 시작했습니다. 

그는 성벽 건설을 중단하고 대신 왕국의 문을 열었습니다. 

그는 자신의 재산을 궁핍한 사람들에게 나누어 주었고, 동정심으로 백성의 불만을 들어주었습니다.

처음에 어떤 사람들은 그의 변화를 보고 그를 약하다고 조롱했습니다. 

그러나 그의 온화한 통치 하에 왕국이 번성하자 그를 비판하던 사람들조차 그의 방식에서 지혜를 발견하기 시작했습니다. 한때 맹렬한 폭풍이었던 마그누스의 두려움은 광활하고 잔잔한 바다에 조용한 물결이 되었습니다.

몇 년 후, 마그누스가 임종했을 때 그는 미소를 지었습니다. 

그의 이름으로 세워진 기념비나 그가 한때 소유했던 부 때문이 아니라, 가장 위대한 진리를 배웠기 때문입니다. 

가장 강력한 지도자는 아무것도 가진 것이 없는 사람이라는 것입니다. 두려워하다.


이야기를 끝내면서...
이 이야기는 왜 많은 지도자들은 세대교체를 두려워하는지 왜 전쟁, 혁명이 일어나는지, 
그 근본에 대한 저의 생각을 단편소설로 풀어 봤습니다. 
그래서 이이야기는 두려움과 탐욕이 가장 강력한 사람까지도 노예로 삼지만, 
이를 내려놓고 내면의 평화를 받아들이면 리더뿐만 아니라 그들이 접촉하는 모든 사람이 진정한 자유를 누릴 수 있다는 생각을 반영합니다.




Kingdom of Shadows


In the vast, ancient kingdom lived a ruler named King Magnus.

His empire stretched into mountains, rivers, and valleys, and his castle was decorated with gold and jewels from all over the world. But despite his wealth and power, Magnus suffered from extreme fear.

Every night he dreamed of his throne falling, of shadowy figures rising to overthrow him, and of his name disappearing from the chronicle of history. To quell his fears, Magnus ruled with an iron fist. He overthrew his opponents, built higher walls, and accumulated more wealth. His advisors praised his strength, but his people whispered about his cruelty.

One day, an old monk arrived at the gate. His clothes were tattered and his face looked old,

but his eyes shone with a still light.

The guards laughed at his appearance, but the monk just smiled and asked the king to talk to him.

Magnus, intrigued by the monk's boldness, called him to Alhsil.

"What brings you here, old man?" demanded the king.

"Have you come to seek mercy on me, or have you come to offer loyalty?"

"Neither," replied the monk, "I have come to give you freedom."

Magnus smiled bitterly. "Freedom? Look around! I'm the most powerful man in the world.

I command the army, enact laws, and have millions of lives in my hands. What more freedom do I need?"

The monk approached without fear, saying, "Your Majesty, you are a prisoner of fear.

You did not build a wall to stop others, you built it to keep yourself in it.

You accumulate because you believe that wealth and power will protect you, but it will only deepen your misery.

You cannot truly buy or implement freely, and you must come from within."

Magnus's laughter died down. "So what do you tell me to do? Ditch my throne? Give me my crown?

My people will revolt and my enemies will descend like wolves!"

"Maybe not," said the monk, "the power you fear to lose is an illusion.

To let go does not mean to give up, but to find power in something greater than fear.

Rather than to rule, to serve is ruled by a leader. An enduring kingdom."

Magnus was wide awake and looked at the monk. He wanted to dismiss the old man as a fool,

but a small voice inside him whispered that the monk was telling the truth.

"Teach me," said the king at last, "tell me how to miss out."

So the monk stayed in the castle and guided Magnus on his way to meditation and inner peace.

Slowly, the king began to see what fear was, the shadow that his heart cast.

He stopped building the wall and opened the kingdom's door instead.

He gave his fortune to the people in need and listened to the people's grievances with compassion.

At first, some people mocked him for being weak when they saw his changes.

However, as the kingdom flourished under his gentle rule, even his critics began to find wisdom in his ways.

Magnus' fear, once a fierce storm, became a silent wave in the vast, calm sea.

A few years later, Magnus smiled when he died. Not because of the monument erected in his name or the wealth he once owned, but because he learned the greatest truth.

The most powerful leader is a man who has nothing. be afraid.


Let's end the story...

This story is a short story about why many leaders fear generational change,
why wars, revolutions take place, and my thoughts on the fundamentals of them.
So this story reflects the idea that even the most powerful of fear and greed are enslaved,
but if you put it down and accept your inner peace, not only the leader but everyone they come into contact with can enjoy real freedom.

